I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

kiss yourself goodbye. :*

song: nobody nobody but you by wonder girls
mood: happy as ever!

hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyyyyyy! :P
i have nothing to say really. my cousins just came over and we ate brunch togetherrr. and we were making fun of my mum. and i was laughing soo much. my mum kept saying 'you're not getting anything.' and i was like 'yeah right.' and my cousin was like 'its ok natasha. just ask me for anything. and we'll call child care services on your mum.' and my mum was like 'TRAITOR' funnyyyy. :D 
my grannie came home today. shes finee. but she needs to drink more water so she won't get dehydrated! :( but at least she doesn't have to stay at the crappy hospital. the food is utterly disgustingg. ew. yeah. 
well. thats really nothing else to say. i'll see you again tonight to tell you all about movvie night with mother.. we have a tradition. movie night every saturday noww. its funn. :P :D

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