I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Friday, April 9, 2010

two is better than one :)

heyyy :)
i just came back from the hospitall. and it was funn. i arrived at the exact time of my cousins. so we were playing with bubbles. and we made a MESS in the room. and we were like laughing like hell. my mum is like 'there are 2 year olds in the room.' and if you knew me. i laughed A LOT. and suddenly. the nurse came in and was like wtF?!

anyways. now i'm skyping aleysha jabir. i know. god help me. :P i have nothing to tell you anymore. seeya tomorrow. xx :)

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