I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Monday, May 3, 2010

tesco rules - OK?

dunno why people don't like tesco as much as they like carrefour or jusco and all the crappy shitty bang bang. people who don't like tesco sucks balls. don't worry my mum sucks balls. she is all tesco has crappy stuff and i'm like nooo wayyy. yet another stupid argument. == its so funny sometimes but at the same time annoying. i love tesco. you can get ANYTHING there and its soo freaking cheap. have you seen how much you have to buy freaking pens in like borders and kinokunia. 

every litttttttle helps. ;D yes yes yes yesssss.

dinner was AH-MAZING! :D 
my mum is trying to be a gourmet chef and that. and she made delicioussss foooood. the kind i like usually xD it was amazing but it was all these fenchie cuisine words. soo can't tell you what i ate. i just know i'm stuffed. xD but the chocolate souffle was incredible. :D 
so no complains on that! 

i'm bored. i want it to be 10! :(
my cousins and i and my mother is going out to makan devi's again. we ta family love to eat. xD especially me but i do have a small body. but i eat TRUCK loads of foooooood. ask everyone i know. 

well bai x

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