I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Monday, May 3, 2010

the last to know.

come here rude boy, boy, can you get it up? 
hehehe. thats the song i'm listening too. guess. frist person to get it right gets 10 cents. :D 
you know you want it ;) 

i found these awesome picss. have a look seee.

awesome right right rightt? o.O

anyways. now i'm doing homework. yeah thats crap. my mum is asking me to start studying but i just don't have the mood to do itt. i want to but i just can't. when i'm at my desk. i just look at everything else and actually start paying attention to all the small things. yeah thats me natasha ta. xD

today i didn't do much. but i laughed so much. i literally laughed like every second today. it was hilarious. ict, science, art and english. laughed through the whole day. but after school not really. joan and i talked about some serious issues which were a bit weird. because we always just laugh and do stupid things. yepp thats me and joan for you. ;D 

oh yeah and guess what?! i just got news that ZOEY CHEN is backkkkkkk. she smsed me saying she's backk. but she's still on the plane. =.= but like you know.. but she is on malaysian soil. she better have got me something gooooood. ;) 

you also must be wondering what might my title means.. it just means that everything i do and say, you will be the last to know. because i feel i can't trust you. :) 

well i gotta go makan. 

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