I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Friday, May 21, 2010

i wanna be a billionaire.

thats mah mama. :D she's beautiful isn't she? :D :D you better say she is, or i'll break your face. :) 
sorry i haven't blogged in AGES. i just cbf. xP 
today was usual. there was interhousee. and guess who won?
Chancellor Vs Crest
Sultan Vs Queen
:O hehehehehe. at least no one failed or passed. x) just think happy. ;) 
moving on. 
my mama bought a new car. and. its. so. cool. its like this big metal thing. :D x)
then. we went to the dentist, we had to go 'talk' to the dentist about me getting braces but they took sooo long. so we just left with not much of a goodbye. thats how the ta family rolls. x)
then. we went for dinner. with grandmama. 
YUMMY foooooood.
i had boost juice, mango magic. ITS AN ALLITERATION. ;) :P its the most awesomest of the awesomest flavour i've ever tasted in my past weeks.
then. then. then. we took grandmama homee. and went to the apple store. where shirley was waiting for us. we have people there at apple. DISCOUNTS are my BEST FRIEND. i bought a 64GB iTouch. x) how awesome is that?! x) 
off to homeeeeeeee. 

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