I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

need you now

heyy :)
i'm now sitting at my clean deskk! it was never like this before i realized i had REAL REAL examss. so now theres all my textbooks and books and pens all neat in their given places. i just had a shower. my hair smellssss good. xD xP i'm so worried about examss. i really don't want to fail this time. i'm quite good in english math and science. and my mum says that good enough to get a well paid job. BUT she was still pissed about my geo and history marks. malay and mandarin. its gonna be a piece of cake for me. HOPEFULLY zoey chen my lovely pretty sister will help me with my mandarin. and malay.. i'm malay. so i'm sure i can do itt. so all i have to do isssss REVISE, REVISE and REVISE

i took pictures of my baby princesses. ones called brooklyn (not the name i like but it was already her name so oh well) and princess. here's the pictureee. they wouldn't keep still. these were THE BEST ones sooo far. but i DID edit themm. i don't want you seeing my ugly room too. xD

imma listening to according to you and need you noww. i love both songs soo so sooo much. 
they are now my fav songs. of my life. 
i love 

Lady Antebellum


thats it so far. i will try to blog later if i can. because i think this week is gonna be one hell of a week. i'll ttyl. xx. iloveyou. xx


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