I Wish Upon A Star

  • Buy A Nikon PRO Camera.
  • Good Grades on Every Subject.
  • Longer Hair.
  • Make My Mum Proud.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

tuesday as a monday.

you know my school.
if we miss ONE monday. the next day we which is a tuesday, we do MONDAYS timetable. do you tthink its right? i don't think it is. and i think its annoying and very complicated for the students.
well before i start babbling about how bad GIS is.

i will actually tell you about my day. my day was pretty much normal. but then in lunch, as my class 8i are doing a racism assembly and we were gonna make a video for year 8. so me and arjun volunteered to get videos of people saying hi and what nationality theirs is. and SU YEN and ALEYSHA are like the only on e in the camer a singing this song ----> malaysia,...... sangat bagus..... nasi lemak dan roti canai hendak BAGUS! :DD such an aAWESOME song right. ;)

then after school. i stayed bak with joan and kind of yasmin and ind of anastasia. they all had to leave arly except for JOAN. we had no money, we we are poor ;). so we called zoey and jonny who had money and was in MC DONALDS. so we ran like literally ran! we GOT FOOD! :D soo happy.

it was a fun day! :P

anyways. tomorrow i have english (library), drama, music then geography. I DON'T WANT GEOGRAPHY! :(

bye bye. have to go now. :*


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